Alright! I'm in!
Hey Broskis, You guys have inspired me to get back on Keto! I stepped on the scale this morning at 232 lbs. That's my top end. Based on my past experience (if I stay on track...) the first few pounds will drop quick. I've recently been in the habit of eating a lot of salty snacks late at night which is the worst thing to do (I need a better way to deal with aggravation/stress, etc.) To be honest I have been ambivalent about the ketogenic diet recently. It can't be good or sustainable long term to eliminate a whole macronutrient group from your diet. I have been trying intermittent fasting. The health benefits of it are great and I have experienced them. It's been hard for me to lose much weight doing it though because it is difficult for me to eat healthier when I am in my eating window. But really Keto IS a type of fast. You're fasting carbs. It's great to take a break from them, especially the processed sugary ones, for 3 to ...